Sunday, 29 July 2012

Week 4

Hello all,
Week four is upon us and 7 Green are in the swing of things now.  Just a reminder to keep up with your reading and filling in your reading logs.  Some students are doing this extremely well and that is great.  However, some students are not applying their knowledge and only doing the minimum.  REMEMBER, this is in preparation for high school.  Ms F and Ms C only want you to be your best in ALL that you DO!  If you do happen to pick a book that you just don't like, go and change it with Ms B at the Library.  Yr 7 has been dedicated time after second break for this purpose, please see me or Ms F and we would be more than happy for you to go and exchange your book. 

Keep working on your Raps, some of you are doing an amazing job!! So well done. Remember if you would like to come to class before school, just let Ms F or Ms C know so they know you are coming.  Have a great week 7 Green.

Ms C & F of the 7 Green Crew

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