Monday, 15 October 2012

Week 2 is good for YOU!

Hi 7 Greeners,
This week brings LOTS of work.  We are frantically trying to get you prepared for your next step in life.  This means that you need to take responsibility for your own learning.  To do this, you will need to set up a space at home to allow you to complete your homework and study.  That means - NO TELEVISION blaring away in the background. 

So this week there is an expectation that you will complete your reading log, finish any maths sheets that are not done during class time and study for your science test.  You can also send me your Science Glossary words that you have been asked to format in a particular style (thank you to the students that have already completed this and emailed me). 

Remember you will also need to continue doing your Moon diary observations.  Discuss your new knowledge with your parents and talk about what phase the Moon is currently in. 

Ms F and I are excited and sad at the same time as we know that we only have this term left with you.  So you need to be the best you can be.

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